I knew you were going to read this

Presentiment in the news.


Book Surgeon said…
Damn nice to see something like that in the mainstream media, without the usual contemptuous skeptic brought in to cast unfounded aspersions on the idea.
David Bailey said…

You once mentioned to me that various laboratories were trying to pluck up courage to publish successful repetitions of your experiment - I guess this is it.

The presentiment phenomenon has always appealed to me because it is the nearest thing to a reliably repeatable PSI experiment that there is.
Tor said…
Yes, this was a good one. The journalist actually seems to have done his/her homework.
It should rise some eyebrows.
robin said…
Yea this is encouraging for the pro psi crowd. OOOOH did anyone catch the report that richard wiseman did an experiment that showed psi in a replication of a sheldrake experiment. This must be the second time i think this has happened to him, and in a recent interview he seems to be warming up to the existance of psi a little bit. Also quite randomly at a site about mainstream science they had a top ten unsolved mysteries section and psi and hauntings are in there. So not everyone in the mainstream completly dismisses such things.
Dave Smith said…
Robin said,

OOOOH did anyone catch the report that richard wiseman did an experiment that showed psi in a replication of a sheldrake experiment.

Do the mean the Jaytee experiments a while back or some other more recent experiment? I know that very recently, Rupert Sheldrake and Chris French are conducting a collaborative replication on telephone telepathy. Is that the one you mean?
tict0ctoe said…

What are your thoughts on the Akashic Records? Would be great to read something from you regarding this subject.

Nima Kasraie said…
Hey Dean,

On your RNG experiments, I had an idea. If youre still looking for an event that would perhaps be similar in scope to 9-11 for studying, it would be "Norooz", the Persian New Year. It is celebrated by Central Asian states, and it takes place at an exact specified time every year (the precise time of the vernal equinox). At the very moment of the VE, I would not be exaggerating if I said that millions would be tuned into a collective field. I think it's worth looking into.

Someday, if and when I finish my PhD, I'll pick up the research that Biermann abd Libet were doing. I think there's a lot to be learned from functional imaging.

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