Job - Clinical (Transpersonal) Psychology

Posted on behalf of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology

The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology invites applicants for full-time and half-time core faculty Clinical Psychology positions. We are seeking applicants with a broad range of research and clinical experience. A candidate with research and dissertation advising skills may also serve as half-time Associate Dissertation Director. The positions are open until filled.

Applicants should have a PhD in Clinical Psychology, be licensed or license eligible in California, be qualified to teach clinical psychology and to supervise students, and serve on dissertation committees in the residential (on-campus) Clinical PhD Program. Experience with APA accreditation is a plus. We invite applications from persons early in careers as well as those with more academic experience.

Candidates with one or more of the following are particularly encouraged to apply: knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research methods, whole person and experiential learning, the integration of mind, body, and spirit, and experience or interest in field such as Transpersonal, Integral, Positive, or Cross-Cultural Psychology.

Interests in teaching, research and publications can include but are not limited to such topics as:

• Spiritually-oriented clinical approaches to psychotherapy and healthcare
• Transpersonal psychotherapy
• States of consciousness
• Meditation
• Wisdom psychologies
• Peak human abilities
• Exceptional human experience
• Human development
• Positive Psychology

Founded in 1975, ITP is a regionally accredited (WASC), non-sectarian private graduate institute with award winning students and outstanding faculty in teaching, research activities, publications, and leadership in the transpersonal field. ITP offers MAs and PhDs in Clinical Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology, as well as master’s degree programs. On-campus and distance learning programs enroll more than 400 students. Our culture includes active involvement among the faculty, students, board, and administrative staff.

ITP is an equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and welcomes applications from diverse candidates including members of historically under-represented U.S. ethnic groups and persons with disabilities. ITP does not grant tenure but hires on a two-year renewable contract basis. Most of the faculty members have been in residence for 7-10 years or more. There is also an uncommonly supportive atmosphere of collegiality and a positive work environment.

Please send your CV, a statement describing your teaching philosophy, research experience and interests, experience working with students and clients from diverse backgrounds, and your transpersonal psychology or mind/body/spirit interest and involvement. We recommend that you visit the ITP website to learn more about the institute and transpersonal psychology (

Mail, fax, or email your materials to:
Holly Tran, Director of Human Resources
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
1069 E. Meadow Circle
Palo, Alto, CA 94303
Fax 650-493-6835


Unknown said…
My main comment is wondering how this institution can really be an accepted academic research center in psychology. Of course it should be, but its job description includes the term "spiritual". This is a fighting word in the current mainstream world of the sciences, especially neurobiology and evolutionary psychology.
Dean Radin said…
Research on spirituality has become mainstream in the sense that the American Psychological Association has a division on the psychology of religion, and that division has started a new APA-affiliated journal entitled the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.

See this page:

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