I'm the cover story for the North Bay Bohemian (the name seems appropriate for Northern California) newspaper. If you go here you can read the entire newspaper online, but I think this link will only last for one week.
> Carroll says, "There's an assumption made on the part of Dean Radin that any significant departure from the laws of chance is evidence that something paranormal has occurred. All they're really saying is that if something strange happens, then something strange is happening. That's really not telling you anything."
No. As in any reasonable experiment, psi experiments are designed to show certain kinds of deviations if the underlying hypothesis is correct. When we find significant results in accordance with the predicted outcome, this is not just something strange. It's direct support for the hypothesis.
Carroll says, "If you ask anybody who's in paranormal research to come up with one clear absolutely decisive, unambiguous example of a specific person with a psychic ability, you will find that the list has nothing on it. Whenever anybody has eliminated all the possibilities of trickery, nobody can move a pencil with their mind. It just isn't done."
I'm not in the business of trying to find someone who can "move a pencil with their mind." Nor do I test individuals with exceptional claims of any sort. Like most psychologists, I'm interested in what's true in the general population. When we find (as my colleagues and I do, repeatedly) that ordinary people can demonstrate various psi effects under laboratory conditions, that is far more persuasive to me than looking for one-shot miracles.
Carroll says, "What fascinates me are the studies that have been done that find that when people are confronted with evidence that shows they're wrong, the majority of them come to believe what they believed even more. It's just the opposite of what you would expect if people were only seeking the truth. If someone challenges them with evidence that is very strong and conflicts with what they believe, the first reaction of most people is to discredit the source of that contrary information and try to find something at fault with them."
Quite true, and apparently Carroll hasn't noticed how well the confirmation bias applies to his own beliefs!
"Whenever anybody has eliminated all the possibilities of trickery, nobody can move a pencil with their mind. It just isn't done."
Which verse is that in your skeptic bible Mr Christmas Carol?
Take the classic case of Nina Kulagina. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMj_bgzCUw8&feature=related)
Trickery they say. What kind? "We don't know. Cant say. Happened in the past. Who believes those "apparently well known" scientists who tested her anyway and claimed they were valid"
Well okay...but even today there are one-shot miracles. Take Prahlad Jani for instance. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGF7EY2Ucm8)
Trickery they say. What kind? We don't know. Cant say. Who believes those 45+ professional medical doctors who tested him and claimed they are valid. And in a few years when Mr Jani leaves this world, they'll say, "Happened in the past. Who can say now?"
Theres a nice book called Human Devolution which is like an encyclopedia of examples like these.
So even if you could "eliminate all possibilities" of trickery -- Mr C and disciples from Skeptics D would still have something to say to doubt the results. Thats the nature of being a skeptic. What's ironic is that if you doubt authoritative statements, why expect us to accept your statements as authoritative?!
Not much can be done for those who suffer from severe chronic golf ball-size consciousness syndrome? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud1id81apiQ)
From the interview: From the the moment you get to 100 percent and you have absolutely zero doubt, why bother doing it anymore?
Because we want to find out more about how it works :)
Regarding interviews; I just saw "Something unknown is doing we don't know what". This is without a doubt the best documentary on psychic phenomena I have ever seen. I am amazed at how much was covered during 104 minutes, and how thorough it was. Down to earth and balanced with a positive feel to it, spiced up with appreciation for the mysterious nature of our universe. I hope it gets a large and wide audience, because it should.
> about William Tiller ... but I wonder if he isn't just having a joke.
No, he's quite serious. Tiller is a materials scientist who was a professor at Stanford University for many years. I think his experimental findings and theories about subtle energies et al are interesting. Time will tell whether independent replications of his claims continue to show similar results. In the meantime I think it's worthwhile paying attention to his work.
Since David mentioned Tiller I remembered something. The plasma ball you talked about in the interview Dean, it sounds similar to one of Tiller's early experiments with a gas discharge device. Are you going to try a conceptually similar replication? As far as I know, Tiller is the only one who has done that experiment.
Interesting.. If I remember correctly, Tiller got big effects using his device. I mean, big compared to REG studies.
I have a feeling after reading the literature, that laboratory based parapsychology carries it's own little taboo with it:
The taboo of big effects.
I think that is unfortunate. Big effects does not mean fraud when the experiments that show them are well controlled. Big effects should be welcomed, not looked upon with distrust.
Yes. I first did a plasma psi test in the mid-1990s, and the results were so good I figured it must have been a mistake. I'm revisiting that experiment again now using better measurements. I'd love to record some big effects that I can have confidence in (and more importantly, be able to convey that confidence to others!).
The plasma ball should be able to give a psychological boost. It's more spectacular to look at than a changing number or a wiggly line. And you never know what might happen. It does look like the a modern high-tech version of a shew stone after all.. Let us just hope nobody sees the eye of Sauron! :)
I noticed in your entrained mental coherence article in the JSE last year, that since the Geiger counter gave larger than normal effects, referees started to doubt the results. In my opinion, one should not be surprised if different sources of randomness give bigger or smaller effects. Exploratory work is all about varying different factors to see what happens. Confidence will arise anyway if results get replicated.
Dean, Since you say that William Tiller is serious, he is certainly worthy of attention. I only read a little of his experiments, but I noticed that he was able to move the pH of a solution by 1.0 up or down by pure intention. That is a substantial effect!
The plasma ball is pleasingly hypnotic to gaze at, and the plasma stream motion is exquisitely sensitive to very weak EM and magnetic fields. We sometimes get large PK-like effects with it, but I haven't ruled out artifacts. That's why it's still in the development stage and not an experiment yet.
I hope you have time to answer.... What do you think of Stephen Hawking's latest claims that: " "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. "Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist."
Mathew, I just saw Dean's online "entangled minds" talk at the theosophy society and that pretty much answered my questions on entanglement and biological systems.
That was 4 years ago and I'm wondering what's happened since.
Not much on the hard-problem of consciousness in that talk or questions afterward but it _seems_ like Dean has a panpsychists position in this regard.
I prefer something closer to dualism mostly because of panpsychism's combination problem.
Levis, "something out of nothing" is irrational and considered to be ridiculous by virtually all metaphysical philosophers and probably scientists. It actually goes against the most successful guiding principle in both metaphysics and science.
"Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist."
This is reminiscent of the idea of "spontaneous generation" in biology, which was borne from ignorance. Similarly, what we understand today about cosmology (and practically everything else of importance) is still hardly more than amusing campfire stories.
"From the time of the ancient Romans, through the Middle Ages, and until the late nineteenth century, it was generally accepted that some life forms arose spontaneously from non-living matter. Such 'spontaneous generation' appeared to occur primarily in decaying matter. For example, a seventeenth century recipe for the spontaneous production of mice required placing sweaty underwear and husks of wheat in an open-mouthed jar, then waiting for about 21 days, during which time it was alleged that the sweat from the underwear would penetrate the husks of wheat, changing them into mice. Although such a concept may seem laughable today, it is consistent with the other widely held cultural and religious beliefs of the time."
Above quote from http://www.accessexcellence.org/RC/AB/BC/Spontaneous_Generation.php
Carroll says, "If you ask anybody who's in paranormal research to come up with one clear absolutely decisive, unambiguous example of a specific person with a psychic ability, you will find that the list has nothing on it. Whenever anybody has eliminated all the possibilities of trickery, nobody can move a pencil with their mind. It just isn't done."
My impression is that a lot of conventional science would fail by the same criterion. For example, the atomic theory of matter was a conjecture for some time, gradually becoming accepted as fact.
Modern experiments can, of course, actually visualise individual atoms, but these hardly count as evidence for the existence of atoms as such, because the equipment used assumes a mass of theory, including the existence of electrons - parts of atoms!!
Demanding one unambiguous piece of evidence for anything is basically absurd.
Before Cornell University psychologist Daryl Bem published an article on precognition in the prominent Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, it had already (and ironically given the topic) evoked a response from the status quo. The New York Times was kind enough to prepare us to be outraged . It was called " craziness, pure craziness" by life-long critic Ray Hyman. Within days the news media was announcing that it was all just a big mistake . I wrote about the ensuing brouhaha in this blog . But the bottom line in science, and the key factor that trumps hysterical criticism, is whether the claimed effect can be repeated by independent investigators. If it can't then perhaps the original claim was mistaken or idiosyncratic. If it can, then the critics need to rethink their position. Now we have an answer to the question about replication. An article has been submitted to the Journal of Social and Personality Psycho...
Critics are fond of saying that there is no scientific evidence for psi. They wave their fist in the air and shout, "Show me the evidence!" Then they turn red and have a coughing fit. In less dramatic cases a student might be genuinely curious and open-minded, but unsure where to begin to find reliable evidence about psi. Google knows all and sees all, but it doesn't know how to interpret or evaluate what it knows (at least not yet). In the past, my response to the "show me" challenge has been to give the titles of a few books to read, point to the bibliographies in those books, and advise the person to do their homework. I still think that this is the best approach for a beginner tackling a complex topic. But given the growing expectation that information on virtually any topic ought to be available online within 60 seconds, traditional methods of scholarship are disappearing fast. So I've created a SHOW ME page with downloadable articles on psi a...
Excerpt from a January 2008 item in the UK's The Daily Mail newspaper: In 1995, the US Congress asked two independent scientists to assess whether the $20 million that the government had spent on psychic research had produced anything of value. And the conclusions proved to be somewhat unexpected. Professor Jessica Utts, a statistician from the University of California, discovered that remote viewers were correct 34 per cent of the time, a figure way beyond what chance guessing would allow. She says: "Using the standards applied to any other area of science, you have to conclude that certain psychic phenomena, such as remote viewing, have been well established. "The results are not due to chance or flaws in the experiments." Of course, this doesn't wash with sceptical scientists. Professor Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire, refuses to believe in remote viewing. He says: "I agree that by the standards of any other area ...
No. As in any reasonable experiment, psi experiments are designed to show certain kinds of deviations if the underlying hypothesis is correct. When we find significant results in accordance with the predicted outcome, this is not just something strange. It's direct support for the hypothesis.
Carroll says, "If you ask anybody who's in paranormal research to come up with one clear absolutely decisive, unambiguous example of a specific person with a psychic ability, you will find that the list has nothing on it. Whenever anybody has eliminated all the possibilities of trickery, nobody can move a pencil with their mind. It just isn't done."
I'm not in the business of trying to find someone who can "move a pencil with their mind." Nor do I test individuals with exceptional claims of any sort. Like most psychologists, I'm interested in what's true in the general population. When we find (as my colleagues and I do, repeatedly) that ordinary people can demonstrate various psi effects under laboratory conditions, that is far more persuasive to me than looking for one-shot miracles.
Carroll says, "What fascinates me are the studies that have been done that find that when people are confronted with evidence that shows they're wrong, the majority of them come to believe what they believed even more. It's just the opposite of what you would expect if people were only seeking the truth. If someone challenges them with evidence that is very strong and conflicts with what they believe, the first reaction of most people is to discredit the source of that contrary information and try to find something at fault with them."
Quite true, and apparently Carroll hasn't noticed how well the confirmation bias applies to his own beliefs!
As you say, some people will never be convinced.
Which verse is that in your skeptic bible Mr Christmas Carol?
Take the classic case of Nina Kulagina. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMj_bgzCUw8&feature=related)
Trickery they say. What kind?
"We don't know. Cant say. Happened in the past. Who believes those "apparently well known" scientists who tested her anyway and claimed they were valid"
Well okay...but even today there are one-shot miracles. Take Prahlad Jani for instance. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGF7EY2Ucm8)
Trickery they say. What kind?
We don't know. Cant say. Who believes those 45+ professional medical doctors who tested him and claimed they are valid. And in a few years when Mr Jani leaves this world, they'll say, "Happened in the past. Who can say now?"
Theres a nice book called Human Devolution which is like an encyclopedia of examples like these.
So even if you could "eliminate all possibilities" of trickery -- Mr C and disciples from Skeptics D would still have something to say to doubt the results. Thats the nature of being a skeptic. What's ironic is that if you doubt authoritative statements, why expect us to accept your statements as authoritative?!
Not much can be done for those who suffer from severe chronic golf ball-size consciousness syndrome?
Looking at some of his writings, he seems to have enormously impressive results, but I wonder if he isn't just having a joke.
From the interview: From the the moment you get to 100 percent and you have absolutely zero doubt, why bother doing it anymore?
Because we want to find out more about how it works :)
Regarding interviews; I just saw "Something unknown is doing we don't know what". This is without a doubt the best documentary on psychic phenomena I have ever seen. I am amazed at how much was covered during 104 minutes, and how thorough it was. Down to earth and balanced with a positive feel to it, spiced up with appreciation for the mysterious nature of our universe. I hope it gets a large and wide audience, because it should.
No, he's quite serious. Tiller is a materials scientist who was a professor at Stanford University for many years. I think his experimental findings and theories about subtle energies et al are interesting. Time will tell whether independent replications of his claims continue to show similar results. In the meantime I think it's worthwhile paying attention to his work.
That is the idea, yes.
Interesting.. If I remember correctly, Tiller got big effects using his device. I mean, big compared to REG studies.
I have a feeling after reading the literature, that laboratory based parapsychology carries it's own little taboo with it:
The taboo of big effects.
I think that is unfortunate. Big effects does not mean fraud when the experiments that show them are well controlled. Big effects should be welcomed, not looked upon with distrust.
Yes. I first did a plasma psi test in the mid-1990s, and the results were so good I figured it must have been a mistake. I'm revisiting that experiment again now using better measurements. I'd love to record some big effects that I can have confidence in (and more importantly, be able to convey that confidence to others!).
I noticed in your entrained mental coherence article in the JSE last year, that since the Geiger counter gave larger than normal effects, referees started to doubt the results. In my opinion, one should not be surprised if different sources of randomness give bigger or smaller effects. Exploratory work is all about varying different factors to see what happens. Confidence will arise anyway if results get replicated.
I'm also curious what you think of Fritz Popp's work on biophotons (the quantum version of bioluminescence).
I think Popp is claiming quantum coherence in biological systems but don't know enough QT. Isn't significant thermal isolation needed for that?
Maybe Popp is talking about something else. Here is an online paper by Popp on an experiment that is very "psi" in nature.
Dean do you know of this work and what's your "take" on it?
When I wrote that Popp's work was psi-like I didn't mean his experimental paradigm was set up to show psi but instead meant that it could be.
Still not everyone can even SEE! the evidence, let a lot evaluate it!
"Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist."
Thank You!
That was 4 years ago and I'm wondering what's happened since.
Not much on the hard-problem of consciousness in that talk or questions afterward but it _seems_ like Dean has a panpsychists position in this regard.
I prefer something closer to dualism mostly because of panpsychism's combination problem.
Levis, "something out of nothing" is irrational and considered to be ridiculous by virtually all metaphysical philosophers and probably scientists. It actually goes against the most successful guiding principle in both metaphysics and science.
This is reminiscent of the idea of "spontaneous generation" in biology, which was borne from ignorance. Similarly, what we understand today about cosmology (and practically everything else of importance) is still hardly more than amusing campfire stories.
"From the time of the ancient Romans, through the Middle Ages, and until the late nineteenth century, it was generally accepted that some life forms arose spontaneously from non-living matter. Such 'spontaneous generation' appeared to occur primarily in decaying matter. For example, a seventeenth century recipe for the spontaneous production of mice required placing sweaty underwear and husks of wheat in an open-mouthed jar, then waiting for about 21 days, during which time it was alleged that the sweat from the underwear would penetrate the husks of wheat, changing them into mice. Although such a concept may seem laughable today, it is consistent with the other widely held cultural and religious beliefs of the time."
Above quote from http://www.accessexcellence.org/RC/AB/BC/Spontaneous_Generation.php
My impression is that a lot of conventional science would fail by the same criterion. For example, the atomic theory of matter was a conjecture for some time, gradually becoming accepted as fact.
Modern experiments can, of course, actually visualise individual atoms, but these hardly count as evidence for the existence of atoms as such, because the equipment used assumes a mass of theory, including the existence of electrons - parts of atoms!!
Demanding one unambiguous piece of evidence for anything is basically absurd.