Birthday thoughts

I received lots of nice e-cards and notes today for my 14th birthday, some from friends I haven't seen in nearly 40 years, some from people I've only met on the Internet, and some from colleagues, local friends and family. Thank you all for your kind thoughts.

To celebrate this rare day, my wife and I saw the movie Jumper. The plot revolved around the question, What if some people could teleport where ever they wished, and other people really hated them because they believed only God should be able to do that? The special effects and scenery were good, but the plot was disappointing because it didn't develop beyond adolescent power fantasies. The only thing the protagonist jumper could imagine doing with his miraculous powers was to rob banks and live like a playboy. And the only thing the people chasing the jumpers could imagine was to kill them. I kept hoping that one of the characters would mature and provide a deeper story line. That didn't happen, but I still thought it was mildly entertaining.

After the movie we had a BBQ chicken and ribs dinner, followed by chocolate cake. It's been a fine day.


Sonic Ghost said…
I'm glad you've had fun, Dean!
mrlukeduke said…
14th Birthday??!!
Roulette said…
Glad you enjoyed your birthday!

It's totally cliche but the book is actually better than the movie. It's spends more time dealing with his reaction to learning that he can teleport. 'Holy -- what just happened?!' There is an actual learning curve in the book.
M.C. said…
Glad you had a nice 14th birthday Dean.

My wife had her 12th birthday yesterday and we did celebrate with some nice chocolate mousse cake and vanilla ice cream. Unfortunately no going out or movies as both she and I are suffering from a bout of influenza.

Nice to meet another "leap-baby" though. . .
Fifi said…
Now that sounds like very fun birthday! *sends birthday hug*

I've thought about seeing Jumper, but I wasn't completely sure about it -- looks like it wasn't too bad. Although, it could have been worse...
You could have been forced to see The Hottie and the Nottie, LOL! (I know, that was bad =0P)

You can always count on BBQ to taste good though!
barb said…
A PG? Lucky boy/man ...
lightseeker said…
I hope there were 14 candles on that yummy chocolate cake!

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