Psi Research Studentship for EU Nationals

Research Degree Studentship

£8,125.00 per annum plus tuition fees for 3 years (including £1,000 research expenses p.a.)

The University of Northampton invites applications for a three-year part-time (.65) PhD studentship to support a research project investigating the role of lability in performance at a computer-based micro-psychokinesis task. The successful applicant will be based in the Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes (CSAPP), an institutionally recognised Research Centre within The University of Northampton. Supervisory support and research training shall be provided by staff from CSAPP and the School of Social Science within the University.

The bursary is part of a project led by Dr Chris Roe and funded by the Fundação Bial, Portugal, and will involve

• survey work to develop and psychometrically evaluate a new questionnaire-based measure of lability;

• a series of three experimental studies to assess the relationship between lability and performance at a laboratory-based micro-psychokinesis task

•some details of these projects are determined by the conditions of funding, but there will be some scope for the successful candidate to modify or extend the research goals

Applicants should possess a good Honours or Masters Degree in Psychology or a related discipline and be able to demonstrate some familiarity with Parapsychological research methods and findings. The studentship is open to EU nationals only.

Deadline for applications: 4 March, 2009

It is intended that interviews will be held: week beginning 16th March, 2009

Start date: To be negotiated

For an application pack, please email:, or call 01604 892812.

Additional informal enquiries can be made to

Please quote reference: UN09CSAPPMICROPK


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