India trip - Delhi
Here I am at an ancient temple in Lodhi Gardens, Delhi, India. I'm traveling in India for a few weeks, giving lectures at several universities under the auspices of the Indian Council for Philosophical Research (ICPR), an agency within India's Ministry of Human Resource Development. The ICPR selected me to be their National Visiting Professor for 2010. I'll occasionally post pictures and comments about the trip as it unfolds.
One thing I I noticed when traveling in East-Asia a year ago, was how relaxing it was to be in a culture that viewed spirituality as a natural part of life. In the Buddhist countries it didn't seem like there was any fight between science and spirituality. Instead it seemed like they had a much more integrated world view than we have in the west with our sharp distinction between mind and matter, science and spirituality etc.
I haven't been to India yet. Do you get a similar impression there?
am sure hope you visit mumbai. do let me know my email address is or contact me for any help you need on your visit here
With your Delhi photo---MOOOOOOOO!