Flash Mob Opera

This is not directly related to my interests in extended human capacities, but having been a concert violinist for many years I always appreciate new ways to popularize the experience of the classics (from La Traviata in this case to e.g., Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band). This video is one of the most delightful ways of popularizing classic opera that I've seen.


Paprika said…
Hi Dean, I'm wondering whether you're going to answer Keith Augustine's second question in the last thread.

Aside from that, when will your next book be out?
A. Shadow said…
That is really neat, thank you for sharing that!
It's a great way to keep people interested in the classics, as well as exposing to the classics to people who haven't listened to it.
butterfly said…
That was fun!
Tor said…
Must have been fun to be there when that happened :)
Unknown said…
Solve the riddle: 'This is not directly related to my interests in extended human capacities.'

Is this written as a parapsychologist or a Scientist.

Dean Radin said…
> Is this written as a parapsychologist or a Scientist.

Solution to the riddle: It's a trick question. A parapsychologist IS a scientist.
Kathy Reed said…
I did something I rarely do -- clicked through some blogs and found this one. I loved your Flash Mob Opera!
Wish I have been there on this day. Thanks Dean for sharing this.

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