Handbook of Intuition Research

Handbook of Intuition Research
Edited by Marta Sinclair, Griffith University, Australia

This groundbreaking interdisciplinary Handbook [soon to be released] showcases the latest intuition research, integrated in a framework that reconciles various views on what intuition is and how it works. The internationally renowned group of contributors presents their findings in five areas. Part I explores different facets of the intuiting process and its outcome, the role of consciousness and affect, and alternative ways of capturing intuition. Part II deals with its function in expertise, strategy, entrepreneurship, and ethics. Part III outlines intuitive decision making in critical occupations, the legal profession, medicine, the film and wine industries, and teaching. Part IV pushes the boundaries of our current understanding by exploring the possibility of non local intuition [my chapter in the book], based on the principles of quantum holography. Part V investigates different ways of developing intuitive skills.

This cutting-edge, comprehensive Handbook will prove essential for academics and research students of the social sciences, particularly management, psychology, sociology, entrepreneurship, leadership, team dynamics, HR and training. It will also be an invaluable resource for industry professionals searching for soft-core methods to increase productivity and creativity/innovation, to improve leadership and organizational climate, or to adopt new staff training and development method.

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Mark Szlazak said…
In this book, is intuition consider a psi phenomena or is that just your chapter?
MickyD said…
Well done on providing the psi perspective to intuition in this intuition primer aimed at a general readership. Excellent!
Dean Radin said…
The psi-oriented chapter is my take on the far edges of intuition. The rest of the book takes a more conventional approach.
P B Thomas said…
Let me start by saying that this comment isn't relevant to the article.

So, I'm on page 281 of Entangled Minds and I had to put the book down mid sentence and find a way to contact you. In this final chapter you talk about psi not being accepted by the general scientific community as a whole despite the wealth of evidence. Well, a little more research on ball lightning should've directed you to Colorado Springs at the end of the the 19th Century where Nikola Tesla was consistently creating ball lightning in his lab. There's documented evidence of this if you choose to believe it. I hope you understand my point.

Overall the book is an interesting read. It gets a little stagnant from chapters 5-9 where you talk about similar statistical analysis regarding different psi experiments. However, I understand the need to present as much proof as possible.

B they way, do they still talk about Claude Shannon at Bell Labs? He and Tesla are quite probably 2 of the greatest minds in human history.

Paprika said…
Dean, thoughts on this?

Dean Radin said…
On the SkepticReport article -- whenever I read a book review that opens with the author admitting that he or she doesn't know much about the topic, I usually stop reading. At least this fellow appears to have actually read the book, which is great.

In general, my response to such reviews is that we are all entitled to our opinions. Mine are based on analysis of a substantial amount of published data and several decades of personal experience in my own laboratory and those of other researchers.
Paprika said…
Thanks for the reply Dean. But I'm curious abotu your reactions to some of the specific criticisms, such as these (made by the author):

"Radin uses 95%-confidence intervals on most of his graphs (and this is the standard practice), but for some reason he switches to 65%-confidence intervals in some graphs (e.g. pages 120-124 and 182-185), which means that we can be less confident of the results. It seems odd that Radin chooses to be inconsistent in this way, and it is interesting to note that he uses 65%-confidence intervals on the graphs where the differences between the numbers being compared aren’t very big. By using only 65%-confidence intervals Radin makes the results look more convincing than they actually are. For many of these graphs we simply can’t be confident that there is anything but chance differences if we use the overlapping 95%-confidence interval criteria described above, and on page 35 Radin himself states his agreement with this criteria. So we conclude that quite a few of the graphs that Radin uses fail to give us any result we can be confident about, according to the criteria that Radin himself agrees to, and furthermore it seems that he tries to make the results look more convincing by using 65% instead of 95%.

Even worse than the fact that 65%-confidence intervals are used, is the fact that some of the graphs don’t have any confidence intervals at all (e.g. pages 181 and 187), and it is therefore impossible to tell whether anything interesting is to be gleaned from them.

While we’re talking about the graph on page 181 (which shows a connection between the lunar cycle and ESP ability) I would like to mention that there are simply no data for one or two days around full moon, and this seems very strange since these days should be the most important ones in the experiment. So why are these days left out? And doesn’t it significantly reduce the value of the graph?

I would also like to point out that the graph showing a correlation between the lunar cycle and casino payouts shows a positive correlation. The casino data (on which the graph is based) are from 1991 to 1994. A couple of pages after this graph Radin presents a graph for payouts from a lottery. On this graph the correlation between the payout and the lunar cycle is negative, that is the opposite of the result from the casino graph. This doesn’t bother Radin, however, and he tells us that this is because during 1993 when the lottery data were obtained, the lunar cycle was positively correlated with the GMF, which is the opposite of the normal situation. This information struck me as pretty odd, since 1993 is one of the years included in the casino study, so why are the correlations of opposite sign if the two studies are from overlapping time frames? I have to wonder why Radin doesn’t notice this problem."

-- End of quotation
Dean Radin said…
95% is one common convention for error bars; another is 65% (one standard error). When I produced graphs for this book, I consolidated data from lots of sources, reproducing the original style. Obviously from either type of error bar one can glean a useful approximation of the statistical significance. Was this an intentional effort on my part to "make the results look more convincing"? Of course not.

The Figure on p. 181 was reproduced directly from Puharich's original data. His report did not show error bars and one day of data was missing.

The GMF-lunar-psi correlation is uncertain, suggesting the presence of other variables involved in these relationships. As I explained, I took an empirical approach and reported what the data suggested. Since that book, analyses conducted by others, on other psi datasets, have confirmed similar lunar correlations. GMF correlations also seem to persist. How they are all connected remains an open question.

In general these and most of the other comments in that review (and others like it) tend to focus on minutia that seem to presume a sort of conspiracy theory on my part to create a more convincing case than the data provides. This is nonsense.

When writing a book based on consolidation of a gigantic amount of data, the goal is to present it in as simple and accurate a way as possible. The final presentation may not to be to everyone's liking. I'm grateful, however, that the vast majority of readers have appreciated that book.
Pytha's Monad said…
I look forward to reading this book!
I am a huge fan; your books have provided much comfort in my teenage years, it helped me understand aspects of myself. Your avant-garde concepts are truly fascinating; you have revolutionized the views of PSI. Your pioneer spirit along with your overwhelming credentials will serve as a strong bridge to mankind understanding of the intricate design. No longer will that intricate design be cloaked in religion. Good luck in your endeavors:) Misty
Have you or will ever do a lecture in Washington State anytime soon?
Dean Radin said…
Thank you. I have given talks in Seattle several times. I have no talks planned in or around Washington at the moment.
Thank you for sharing this book with us. I look forward to reading it. I'm interested in research on how psychics receive their information.
I just went to Amazon to see if there was any more info on the book. It's listed for $185.00. I'm hoping it's a typo and that it's actually $18.50. I'll check back in Sept. when the book is scheduled to be released.
MickyD said…
Dean, I noticed on the site, you've done an interview for New Scientist. Any chance of sharing it on this blog or email?
Kind Regards.
Dean Radin said…
Book price: I suspect that this handbook will be considered a professional textbook and may thus be quite expensive.

New Scientist: I was interviewed but I don't know when the article (on precognition) will appear.
Hi Dean,
Thank so much for your reply. I had a hunch that it was priced as either a textbook or reference book. I was hoping to be wrong.
MickyD said…
Looking forward to that one (and let's hope there isn't the smattering of uninformed skepticism that usually accompanies psi related articles.)

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