SOCIETY FOR SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION 30th Annual Meeting , Boulder, Colorado 9-11 June 2011 Program Committee: Bill Bengston, Chair, Dick Blasband, Courtney Brown, Adam Curry, Brenda Dunne, Robert Jahn, Dominique Surel. Local Arrangements: Dominique Surel WEDNESDAY EVENING, June 8 - Millennium Hotel Gardens, Boulder, Colorado 6:00 pm - Opening Reception and Registration. Poster set-up THURSDAY MORNING, June 9 - Ballroom Theme I: IMPLICATIONS OF NON-LOCALITY 9:00 Welcome and Introductions 9:10 Pamela Rae Heath , Diverse Perspectives: What Distant Healing, Remote Viewing, and the Afterlife Suggest about Non-Locality 9:50 Jane Katra , After Death Communication Involving the Ongoing Work of Two Bonded Parapsychologist Healers 10:10 Walter Semkiw , Advances in Reincarnation Research: A Tribute to Ian Stevenson 10:30 Gary Schwartz , Photonic Measurement of Apparent Presence of Spirit using a Computer Automated System 10:50 BREAK 11:10 Larry Dossey , Precogn