Still life
Here's a still from the new What the Bleep movie, subtitled "Down the Rabbit Hole." I was interviewed for what seemed like forever (probably about 4 hours). I don't recall the details of what I said, which will make watching the movie more interesting for me.
So far, I've done about 30 interviews for television shows. This was my second movie-related appearance. The first was for a mini-feature on remote viewing, which can be found on the DVD of the movie Suspect Zero.
I heard you on Coast the other night with Michael Schermer. You did a great job! I was sorry to hear that Schermer had such a close minded attitude. He really is quite rude when you get right down to it.
Anyway, please carry on your work.
Where does Schermer and Randi get their funding from? Or is it part time thing for them to spread their own ideological view of reality to all and sundry. The thing is, they manage to get amazing exposure on all media. I read a study of CSICOP that told how it was originally created to test claims of the paranormal. that didn't last long so by the 1980s, it was mostly into public relations and denouncing (not bebunking) research that fell outside of its narrow paradigm.
I'm reading your Conscious Universe now. you display genuine scientific curiosity -- wow, how unusual is that?! Kudos.
I would also be interested in obtaining your birth data for my research files. Feel free to contact me at