Intentional chocolate website
See the new website for a company named Intentional Chocolate. This company is using the methods we developed for the study on intentional chocolate that I've mentioned on this blog. I am planning a new series of studies to further explore these "mind-food interactions." The goal will be to develop new ways of enhancing and extending the effects we observed in the pilot test. I continue to be very interested in the "how does it work" question, but I'm also interested in making it measurably work better (the Edison approach) before we understand exactly how it works.
The intent is retained and transferred.
The quality of the intent can potentially do remarkable things, its plasticity, not of the brain but of the mind.
"Non-local effects of chemical substances on the brain produced through quantum entanglement"
If experiments like these are able to demonstrate healing through intentions, then if an illness has reached the point beyond which treatment in the present can help, maybe healing can be sent to the past to treat the disease in the past.
If such a thing worked, all sorts of questions would arise.
Also two useful review papers:
In the book he also describes an experiment by a graduate student who found the rng was most affected when the subject was in a trance or "day-dream" state. To me this sounds like a meditative state. So, when the mind makes an intention to reduce the disorder in the mind (wandering of the mind) does that effort spill over into the rng and reduce the disorder (increase the orderlyness) of the rng?
There is also the "reality is just a computer simulation" model. When you close your eyes the computer doesn't have to calculate the stuff you don't see. A wave function doesn't collapse until the computer has to calculate the real particle. With entanglement the information from one particle can travel faster than light because the computer knows the attribute of both particles when one particle has been calculated. With the rng, when you concentrate the mind maybe it requires more calculations and so the rng get's less cpu time and for some reason this results in less disorder in the rng subroutine?